Start by engaging your core, with the barbell on your upper back, slowly step back into a reverse lunge, making sure not to slam your knee on the floor, press through the heel of your front foot to stand back to starting position. You can do all on one leg first, or do them alternating.
Weight Recommendations:
Beginner: Try just the bar first or dumbbells
Intermediate: 10-25lb plates on each side of the barbell
Advanced: 30-55lb plates on each side of the barbell
*Modification: use no weight on the bar, or do these with dumbbells
Up Next in WEEK 1 DAY 3 - FULL BODY
Lay back on the bench or floor (you can lift legs like I am, or have them bent on the floor.) Lower the dumbbells toward your chest with control, engage your chest to press them back up above your head!
Weight Recommendations:
Beginner: 5-10lbs
Intermediate: 12-25lbs
Advanced: 30-60+ lbs*Modi...
Hold dumbbells in your hands, step one foot on the box or bench and press through your heel to step up, slowly step back down and repeat - you can do all on one side or switch back and forth between legs.
Weight Recommendations:
Beginner: Bodyweight - 5lb dumbbells
Intermediate: 10-20lbs
Advanc... -
Complete both exercises back to back, with a quick rest after before starting the superset again, 4 rounds total!
Weight Recommendations:
Beginner: 3-10lbs
Intermediate: 12-25lbs
Advanced: 30-50+ lbs