Sit into the machine. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width stance and slightly pointed diagonally. Engage your core, slowly drop into a squat, keeping your core engaged & push through your heels. Make sure not to fully lock out your legs.
Weight Recommendations:
Beginner: 20-50lbs
Intermediate: 55-75lbs
Advanced: 80-150+ lbs
Modification: you can do regular standing squats with any type of weight
Up Next in W6/DAY 6: LEGS + GLUTES
Use a barbell. Support upper back on a bench/ thrust machine, press through your heels to drive your glutes up to a tabletop position, then slowly return back down.
Weight Recommendations:
Beginner: Try just the bar first or dumbbells
Intermediate: 15-35lb plates on each side of the barbell
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Stand parallel to the bench/box. The leg closest to the bench/box will be the one you are working! Hold dumbbells in your hands, step one foot on the box or bench and press through your heel to step up, slowly step back down and repeat - you can do all on one side or switch back and forth between...
Stand with a dumbbell in the hand of your working foot, your back foot should only be touching the floor for stabilization, hinge your hips back as you glide the weight down to mid-shin height, squeeze your glutes and hamstrings as you stand back up. Make sure to keep a neutral spine.
Weight Rec...
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