Start with your hips pressed on the pads & with weights hanging in front of you or held to your chest. Internally rotate your shoulders to hunch/round your upper back. As you lower, you should feel a stretch in the hamstrings, and as you come back up, think about squeezing your glutes to lift yourself up.
Weight Recommendations:
Beginner: 5-10lbs
Intermediate: 12-30lbs
Advanced: 35-65+ lbs
*Modification: do this without any weight
Up Next in MONDAY
Engage your core, hinge at the hips as you lower the bar, keeping your spine neutral . then drive your hips forward and use your hamstrings to power back to standing position.
Weight Recommendations:
Beginner: Try just the bar first or dumbbells -10lb plates on each side
Intermediate: 15-35lb p... -
Circuit: (50 seconds work / 20 second rest) 2x
- Squat 3x pulse calf raise
- Inner leg lifts
- “ (opposite side)
- Twisting situps
- Hydrant to back kick
- “ (opposite side)
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